Extra Extra

Monday, February 21, 2005

Warning: To reduce risk of serious injury to hands, wrists...

*Extra* *Extra* Vol. 1 Post 3

FW**C News

People In the News
[With the help of underground sources]

Ryan A-- Underground sources say, Ryan got a special chance to "Meet the Parents" this weekend. This could be the first in a long line of parental meetings, especially in a few weeks when Ryan asks her to marry him, sources say. Also, Ryan is quoted as saying that he is sold out his following of Kentucky Wildcats to conform to a UNC Tarheel fan... why? All of this, to impress the family.

Jeremy Cr...-- No posting, but sorry you had a really crappy weekend, if you'd like, you can share it with everyone in a comment.

Robbie Smith-- And, Robbie... Here is a little tip, When there are no plates to put your food on in the cafeteria, don't scream at the top of your lungs, "where are the plates?" It makes everyone feel uncomfortable and makes them want to go out and eat, wait... thats the food doing that. Got a new sweater lately?

Little Al-- "Old Flames dim as new ones are sparked"-- That is how I would title this small stint on Alan. Congrats on finding someone who you like... too bad for you- You'll be related to both Kelly S. and AJ W. -- how sad. On the flip side, finding an older, already on her own, working mom of 3 to date is a good thing. Just don't let her former husband in prison find out what your doing with his "Snuggle bunny" while he's away. Axe murderers don't take kindly to former fwbbc baseball "players" turned "playa".

"Duh" of the day

This is the "duh" thing of the day: Written on keyboards: "Warning: To reduce risk of serious injury to hands, wrists, or other joints read saftey and comfort guide."

Simply stupid!


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