Extra Extra

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

A New Home!

We're moving! Extra, Extra will be moving to a new home at www.jamielanerantings.blogspot.com

Anyone interested in the domain name www.fwbbc.blogspot.com should send an e-mail to jamielaneofmarion@hotmail.com, and we can discuss payment.


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Filthy gossip or Freedom of Speech?

Well-- I will have to say that a comment did disturb me yesterday. Someone on the Matt/Allison Survey said I was continuing to spread filthy gossip, etc. Well, lets talk about that. On a phone call with the AC_U --I was told that I had done nothing wrong. And if I was contacted further about this "issue" to please call the Tennessee chapter and they would be happy to send a representative to sit with me during the "meetings"1(see note at bottom). Since I do not feel privy to release any information about the last meeting with administration-- I will not comment as to the parameters suggested. Therefore, I will only say that I feel very comfortable saying I am not stepping over any boundaries with the administration.

This blog has been, and continues to be a place for students of an institution which will remain nameless to come and read on MY rants and MY "issues" -- this is in no way backed by any organization, institution or establishment. Whatever I feel like writing about, I write about. {Period}

My promises:
I will not change one post that has already been posted {PERIOD}.
I will not change this blog's "reason for existence" {PERIOD}.
I will continue to be as watchful for comments that are out of hand, and for posts that I may write and includes the name Free ------->.

Please note that some information in this blog is not factual. For instance, the American Cow Liberators Union (of America), will not be visiting the campus of FW--C. And they will not send a representative about bovine cultivation. Sorry for any confusion with that. -JL

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Matt and Allison

Okay, since the "David/Kasey" survey is a hot topic-- I'll let you discuss Allison L. and Matt "Pee-Pants" P.

Let me know what you think of their blooming relationship...


Friday, September 30, 2005

David and Kasey

Post your comments about this relationship. All comments will be printed out and put in Kasey's mail box. That is, of course, if she doesn't read it here first!

Remember, anonymous posts are allowed, but you have to sign in and click on that option.

Thanks -- Jamie

Don't forget our other "Surveys"

Now on backorder

Well-- I've posted so many times that now about half of my former posts are on "back order". To get to them, you'll have to click on the Feb. 2005 Link on the right hand side of the page.

Wow. What a moment. A milestone. A cause for celebr.... okay I'll stop now.


Thursday, September 29, 2005

"John Roberts"


John G. Roberts, as of just a few seconds ago was elected by the Senate to serve as the 17th (or so) Supreme Court Chief Justice. The vote was 78-22... I was disappointed in that vote. It shows bi-partisan politics. The last three justices have been elected with no more than 3 nays. Even the liberal justice appointed by Clinton (Ruth).
On to Roberts...
Roberts is 50 years old. That means he may have 25-30 years on the bench and could be through 7-8 presidents. He's conservative, which I like and he's very controlled in what he says and does. I like that too. I enjoyed watching the tv sound bits of the confirmation hearings. The one I am thinking of involved Bidden (Democrat) and Roberts. Bidden told him to stop giving misleading answers, and the chair of the committee stepped in saying "He can give misleading answers if he wants too, their his answers!"-- Roberts chimed in by saying, "With all due respect Senator, my answers are not misleading, they are the truth."
I'm going to love that guy!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Badnarik who? or Badnarik whom? oh who cares!

I've got a few extra minutes and I've decided to post my heart out... okay, maybe not. But to the left you will see a Michael Badnarik "poster". For those of you who don't know who he is... he was a candidate for president last year. Never heard of him? Well, he was a Libertarian candidate-- first of all let me say a blurb about the Libertarians. They are closer to being Republican than I'll ever be and yet they take precious votes away from the Republican candidates because they "think they can win." okay. Let me tell you something that I'm sure many people would want to tell you anyway-- YOU'RE NOT GOING TO WIN!

Further more-- Kerry wasn't Bush either... did he win? How about Howard Dean? Molly Brown? huh? NOPE!

Mr, Dr, Pastor or Shepherd

In the day we are living in, I believe it important to speak on this subject... what to call a "preacher" that has been given charge over a congregation.

I will list some common names (last name; Sawyer):
>Pastor Sawyer
>Mr Sawyer
>Brother Sawyer
>Preacher Sawyer
>Dr Sawyer
>Minister Sawyer
>God chosen and called Sawyer (okay-- so maybe its not... common per say)
>"Sawyer" or first name only, "Randy"
>The hipper way "Rand-e-dawg"
>Father Sawyer
>"Fasha" Sawyer (spelling?)
>Grand Potentate Sawyer (Spelling?)
>Pope Sawyer

Leave your comments, let me know what you think the best way to address a "minister" is...


Monday, September 26, 2005

Leaving the party

Well, I believe that is time to announce to those faithful readers that I am leaving the party. Thats right, the Republican party. It is no longer the party of the Christian white Americans, but of "Conservative values" it is no longer the party of higher wage earners, but of the "compassionate lower class".

I have started my own party called "NAFW*" (National Association of **** **** Bap****). A party of white Christian Americans, a party of higher tithers.

I urge all of my fellow Americans to join me in an effort to register as many people as possible for our new party.

You see... Our dreams are like our children. They need to be fed and nourished.