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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Mr, Dr, Pastor or Shepherd

In the day we are living in, I believe it important to speak on this subject... what to call a "preacher" that has been given charge over a congregation.

I will list some common names (last name; Sawyer):
>Pastor Sawyer
>Mr Sawyer
>Brother Sawyer
>Preacher Sawyer
>Dr Sawyer
>Minister Sawyer
>God chosen and called Sawyer (okay-- so maybe its not... common per say)
>"Sawyer" or first name only, "Randy"
>The hipper way "Rand-e-dawg"
>Father Sawyer
>"Fasha" Sawyer (spelling?)
>Grand Potentate Sawyer (Spelling?)
>Pope Sawyer

Leave your comments, let me know what you think the best way to address a "minister" is...



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