Extra Extra

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Why I am a student at Free Will ----------College

It has been nearly a year since I've posted on this blog. Although from the excitement the blog has generated in the past few weeks-- you wouldn't know it. I thought I would start posting again... yes I know, what a stupid thing to do. Most people would have me to simply close down shop, put up a white flag, throw a yellow flag, give a... okay enough with the catchy one-liners... but I think it most appropriate to continue in the spirit of all that is good and right with this world.

First of all I will say that I thought about switching schools the other day. I even took time out of my normal day to explore both MTSU and TSU. Each having there pros and cons (mainly pros-- TSU is free!) and each having a certain lure to them. I went so far as to inquire about which classes would transfer and which would not. Come to find out that all will transfer, but almost all of them as 'religion' electives only. So I pondered, and still am, about why I am here. Can I be satisfied somewhere else? Is it possible to be just as happy somewhere else?

You see, I can imagine a campus where I have to park forever away and take a shuttle to class. A place where students have differing view points on more than just "eternal security". Where thought and reality is challenged and throwing up your hands is never an option. You see, I can imagine a place where the most important thing on an adminstrator's mind is John Doe and deciding if today is going to be the day he brings a gun to class. I can imagine a college where drugs and alcohol are of top priority because they must be dealt with (D.A.R.E)!

But you see-- that is all I'll ever do, imagine. Because I believe God has called me to FW--C. I don't know that there will be a time when parking will be on the "East Campus" (oh what a day) because Satan never likes to see a Bible College prosper (or does he?). I'll never see a Bible college where I have to worry about "Joe" bringing a gun to class or taking needles from the nurse because he's addicted to heroine. I'll probably never know that because I am called to Free will ---.

Sure the rules are strict and there are other problems, but that is where God has called me to train.

Free Will Baptist -- College is where I have been summoned by God. I've been called to learn practical insights about the ministry. I've been urged to understand the culture and the Holy Spirit's work in it. I have been challenged to prepare for the ministry God has called me to, no matter the cost, no matter the rules. You see, that is where the rubber meets the road.

Do I stay or do I go?

It was something in Systematic Theology class that really stuck with me the other day. And no... it wasn't the "All aboard" train speech or even the "invisible snowballs" being thrown at me... it was a verse in Mr. Forline's book, Jeremiah 6:16; Stand at the crossroads and look. Ask for the ancient paths and where the best road is. Walk in it, and you will live in peace.There was a point in my teenage life that I stood at the crossroads-- I looked at the path best for me and took it-- and because I do, I can rest (live in peace).

Thats why I am a Student at an institution which will remain nameless.



  • Jog Around the Blogosphere: The Pledge of Allegiance Unplugged
    Jog Around the Blogosphere: The Pledge of Allegiance Unplugged For the second time in three years, the Pledge of Allegiance has been found in federal court to be unconstitutional because of the inclusion of ...

    Great blog! I'm bookmarking it as I write this!

    By the way, I have a blog too. It gives useful information on everything to do with finding your dream woman - from dating to where and how to talk to women. It’s for Average Guys like you and me to help us find our dream women.

    Did you know that most women don’t care what you look like, they’re more concerned with your feelings and how you treat them. By the way, the site is written by women to men, so everything is coming from firsthand sources. Come check out my blog sometime, you’re sure to find some great hints and tips THAT ARE REALLY USEFUL to help you find your dream woman.

    By Blogger Gary, at 10:06 PM  

  • NO this is not an add from some grubber looking for publicity or money like you've been getting in your comments. This is a word of encouragement from a friend. It takes a lot to admit you are wrong, when you are wrong as well as when you are not. It takes a lot of courage and resolve to take what's going on and stay in the will of God despite what's happening. Sure we make mistakes, and whether or not you made one is in the eye of the beholder, but I admire the way you are now displaying Christ with your attitude.

    By Blogger Alan, at 9:11 AM  

  • Jamie,

    Just thought I should point out the irony -- you are so careful to delete key letters of the school's name in posts... but have you thought what the URL for your blog is?

    By Blogger Su, at 7:14 PM  

  • Thank you Susan-- I am considering selling the "www.fwbbc.blogspot.com" address on ebay. Any thoughts?


    By Blogger J Lane, at 7:17 PM  

  • Hmm... *checking the demand for that URL* Yeah, you might make more if you paid someone to buy it.

    By Blogger Su, at 7:28 PM  

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